Cannot print out a report due to Dexcom Studio Error

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asked by (120 points) about Dexcom Studio
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I have an employee that downloaded the latest version of Dexcom Studio and when she goes to print out a report it gives the following error: "The computer is not configured to accept the 'Print' command for '.doc' files". Any ideas on how to solve this issue? She said that in the old version she was able to just print.

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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There is something wrong with your Dexcom Studio because when you open a report or a new page the Print Report button is available automatically. Also, please find the installation of your printer in Control Panel under Printers / Hardware Devices. If you find the item's icon in that section, right click it, choose enable and make it as default then try to print again.

If this solution simply does not work, please perform a Repair operation for the software using the Add/Remove section.

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I believe this is a bug in the Dexcom software, which I am also transitioning to from the older Dexcom DM3 software. Here is a work-around:

  • instead of selecting the "print report" button, select the "view report" button
  • the report should open in the same application it did with the previous Dexcom DM3 software
  • use that program's Print function to print the report

This works for me -- I hope it will work for you.

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What if I have 'Open Office', is there a way to view report in that program instead of Word?

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The best way to resolve printing issues with Dexcom Studio is to first make sure you have the appropriate file association for a program capable of viewing and printing .doc files on the PC.

Once you have associated all .doc files with either MS Word, MS Word Viewer, OpenOffice or LibreOffice, select View Report from within Studio.

This save a .doc copy of the report on the C:\Dexcom\Dexcom Studio\Temp folder. From here, double click the file and it should open in your default document viewer. From there (depending on the viewer you're using) you'll be able to print and save your reports.

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