4-5 years late (New Year 2018), but I have information concerning Beam2D by Orand. A colleague of mine contacted Beam2D author's then surviving wife. We offered to buy any extant disks, software, etc. along with possible payment of royalty or rights of ownership. She nor her children had any interest in the assets of Orand software and offered no help nor offered to sell us any surviving "seats" or media containing the product. I am fully convinced that Orand software is defunct. Inactive or missing download links on the internet confirm this!
From that time (circa 2011) I wrote my own version of Beam2D look-alike using a similar GUI and a finite element core program which entirely matches the capabilities of the original as I certified by matching interfaces and example problems issued with the original user guide. Additionally, I added an interface to select standard USA steel shapes from the AISC database from which are derived the moment of Inertia, Area of cross section and effective shear deformation area. My program can solve continuous beams with up to 100 spans and i added the capability for the user to add hinges in any span. The program can calculate shear deformation just as the Orand version did.
I am considering placing the program on my own site if someone can tell me how to set up the site and protect the program executable. At some future date I might market the software once I am free from the intellectual rights my current employer has on the program. I am bound for five years after i decide to retire. My employer has expressed no desire to market the software. I plan to discuss my options (if any) with current employer lawyers and I must abide by their counsel.