Lost windows 8 password please help me

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Hi at all.I need your help.I have lost my password on windows 8-64....

I have tried to startup pc with f8 and shift-f8 to enter in safe mode, but don't function.

What can i do ? Thanks at all.

13 Answers

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answered by

In your situation ,you can use third-party software.I recommend one to you -Windows Password Key.Here are steps that you will follow: Step 1: Download and install Windows Password Key in another accessible PC. Step 2: Run the downloaded file to install Windows Password Key Standard. You can install it on any PC you have access to. Step 3: Windows Start menu - From your Microsoft Windows Start Programs menu, select Windows Password Key Standard. It will be launched automatically. Step4: Using a Windows Password Key bootable CD/DVD to reset Windows password or using a Windows Password Key bootable USB Flash Drive to reset windows password.
Any question please refer to http://www.lostwindowspassword.com/how_it_works/how_it_works_cd.htm

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No avatar answered by (860 points)

Hello, you have 2 regular options to reset the lost Windows 8 password:

Option 1: Have another Administrator Changed Your Forgotten Windows 8 Password

Step 1: Open the Windows 8 Control Panel. Step 2: Click on the "User Accounts and Family Safety" link and then "User Accounts". Step 3: Click on "Manage another account". Step 4: Click on the "...user you would like to change" the password for. Step 5: Click on "Change the password". Step 6: Enter a new password in both the first and second text boxes. Step 7: In the last text box, you're asked to Type a password hint. This is not required. Step 8: click the "Change password" button to save the password change.

Option 2: Reset Windows 8 password with command prompt

  1. Access Window8 Advances Startup Options and click on Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, and finally Command Prompt.
  2. Type the following command: copy c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\ and then press Enter. You should see a 1 file(s) copied confirmation.
  3. Enter: copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe. Confirm the overwrite of the utilman.exe file. by Y or Yes.
  4. Remove any flash drives or discs plug on your computer and restart your computer.
  5. When the Windows 8 login screen is available, you need to click the Ease of Access icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Command Prompt should now open.
  6. Execute the net user command as shown below. Replace myusername with your user name, and mynewpassword with the password you'd like to begin using: net user myusername mynewpassword
  7. Close the Command Prompt and login to your Windows 8 with the password you just set.

If the 2 options above don't work you'd better to resort to a third-party tool to unlock the password. Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery Tool is a good one. You can have a try with it.

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If you used the same password you use for windows account and when you set up the windows account you submitted an alternate email, then you could go into the windows account and click on forgot password and it will send the password to the alternate email account. now if you didn't create a windows account then there is no way of unlocking your computer unless you re install windows or set it back to factory default.

Or try password reset software like iSeePassword, it works fine and easy. http://www.iseepassword.com/recover-forgotten-windows-8-password.html

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