How to convert a Word document to CorelDraw 12? To copy - paste each page will be tedious as it's a 300-page document.

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asked by about CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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How to convert a Word document to CorelDraw 12? To copy - paste each page will be tedious as it's a 300-page document. Please help!

commented by (130 points)
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4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)
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Importing the file into CorelDraw will flush away the formatting of your pages which is something you don't want. Luckily, you can install a simple virtual printer. CutePDF Writer is the way to do this. The application installs a virtual printer which enables you to export your document to the PDF format. Once you install the package, open your document in Word, select Print and choose CutePDF. Then you will be prompted to save the file to the PDF format. Open CorelDraw and import the PDF file. Your formatting plus all the elements contained will be in their proper place maintaining the same look as the original document.

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answered by
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Sorry, but my printer has already tried and told me it does not work.

I sent him .pdf made with word or InDesign.

He only requires CorelDraw.

I'm looking forward for any PDF to Coreldraw Converter. I will buy a CorelDraw for Mac 10.6.8

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answered by

correl draw men word ki file converT NHE hoti

0 votes
answered by (180 points)

one of the Posibilites is this: install the Linotronic 230v52.3 printer: then press "Ctrl+P" for print, and go to properties of the printer, and then advanced: select print quality: 1693dpi and script option: EPS post script and then Ok; remember to tickmak the check box of " Print to file"; then when you press Ok, it will ask you the location for saving your .prn file, so you may select desktop etc.. then go to corel draw, and import it. Note:

  • the imported file is not editable more.
  • you can find the Linotronic 230v52.3 printer in Win Xp, so you need only share that printer after installing it in XP O.S, and then go to the XP pc by your Win 7 PC and double click on the Shared Printer, it will ask you to install.

Note: the Second method is to install the WintoPdf converter. Corel Draw accespts this kind of Pdf. even you can convert your other PDFs which are not supported by the Corel Draw by this printer.

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