I have a M10-IT Model number HEM-7080IT-E which I haven't connected to my PC in a very long time. When I last connected it, it did work and I did download the blood pressure data successfully. However now I don't know whether the cable I have is the correct cable, judging by the results it doesn't seem to be downloading any data. The cable seems a bit long at 1565mm therefore I doubt it is the correct cable but the USB device Vendor ID is recognised as Omron therefore it is getting that correct. HID\VID_0590&PID_0028&REV_0201
I installed the newest version of the software v1.321 which is slightly newer than the software on the supplied CD. I have tried the original software and the newer software but neither is able to download the data and neither offer the correct device to download from.
Is there a way that I can identify the original USB cable that came with the blood pressure meter? Any markings or cable length would be helpful. The cables are usually fairly short, much shorter than 1.5 meters. I didn't keep the cable with the meter because it was in the way when I use the meter. Can you please help me with this because my GP wants my blood pressure results.