Error 495 on Android while trying to download apps

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I'm using HTC phone with Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.x. Whenever I try to update or download any app, it displays error 495. Some people told me to log out of Gmail account and that is also not possible.

Please reply with your best suggestions. Thanks!

6 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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First of all, you can log out from Gmail using the Talk application. The problem with these errors is that they all have different causes and something which may work for someone, for you could be a complete mess. In most cases, as suggested on many websites and forums related to these errors, the simplest way to solve errors like these is to uninstall Google Play updates (Settings > Application Manager > Tap on Google Play> Uninstall updates) or add another Gmail account. Clearing cache through recovery is also a possibility and a complete WIPE of the phone is one more solution.

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I faced the same problem, then found that it was caused by a system settings parameter related to Apps. If this problem occurs when you are downloading apps via mobile data, then follow the below procedure.

  1. go to System settings -> Data usage
  2. Here, you will find a tab with the name of your cell phone operator, for mobile 3G data.
  3. Turn mobile data ON
  4. Then uncheck the "Set mobile data limit" checkbox

Now you are good to go.

What happens is when the data limit is restricted/set, for some parameter/setting in the application, the OS wont allow to download apps from store.

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answered by

I just bought a ASUS Memo Pad and every time I try and down load any APP. it says a 495 error I have cleared out the cache so many times it is SAD.... Is there any other way to clear this..... Help...

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in my case, alI i had to do was to restart the phone and everything was ok. Maybe u shd try that too

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Unchecking the set mobile data limit worked for my phone~lenovo a390. Thanks for the help.. the app i was downloading was successfully installed!! Im very happy now.. God bless!!

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I've did everything y'all said and it won't work, mine just says downloading and never gets to 1% any help?

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