Unable to view live camera

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about EseeCloud

Reset camera, removed then added camera, using another handphone, changed wifi settings. Issue persist

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (92k points)

The issue might persist due to various reasons. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:
- Ensure that the camera is properly connected and powered on.
- Double-check your network settings and ensure that the camera is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network.
- Make sure the EseeCloud software is updated to the latest version.
- Restart your router and camera.
- If possible, try accessing the camera from a different device to rule out any compatibility issues.
If the issue persists despite trying these steps, it might be worth contacting the EseeCloud support team for further assistance.

commented by (120 points)
All has been done. CS is poor

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