Does not recognize wifi module PN and does not let me register

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asked by about WatchPower

When I want register. I enter all data and I scan 14 digit from the inverter. I receive a message saying: “please enter 14 or 18 digits of letters and number only” and I cannot register after many trials.

commented by (100 points)
Joan have you managed to resolve the problem I have exactly the same problem .... Frustrating so say the least . Double checked the code

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (97.5k points)

The error message suggests that the program requires either a 14 or 18-digit combination of letters and numbers for registration. If you are entering the 14-digit number from the inverter and it is not being accepted, it might be worth double-checking if there are any letters included in the code and ensuring it matches the required format.

0 votes
answered by

Good morning, I have the same problem, there are only numbers...Watchpower V 1.8.1

0 votes
answered by

You are puting a SN number of device insted of SN of wifi module. The WIFI code is on the bottom of the product.

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