how can i fix crc check file problem in samfirn tool when i try download software from the tool?

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asked by about SamFirm

first i downloaded samfirm tool from official site then i unziped file with winrar or 7-zip then i open samfirmexe file then i write name of my device examble SM-G975F then in region place i write EGY then i choice AUTO then i click check update box then the software information of mobile appear on the tool with the size of software file when i click download the problem always happen with me it about message says that((checking crc32/ file for crc check not found/system.IO.file not found expection file for crccheck not found at samfirm.utility.crccheck(string file.Byte crc)in c:users\ivan\Desktop\samfirm\Utility.cs:line94 at samfirm.form1.b_43_0(objectO.DoworkEventArgs_e)in c:users\ivan\Desktop\samfirm\Form1.csline206)) when i disable checkcrc32 box the other problem appear is about other message says ((error getting response:the remote server returned an error:403 Forbidden Downlaod finished Error:File c:User\Yousuf\Documents\ doesn't exist)) when i try downloading manual the software information appear with size of file when i click download whether clicking check crc32 box or not the same previous messages appear again exactly knowing that i installed visual c++ 2008,2010 and NET fremework 3.5

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

It seems that you are encountering a CRC check file problem with the SamFirm tool when trying to download software. One possible solution is to ensure that the required file for CRC check is present in the specified directory. Additionally, you may need to check if there are any network issues or permission restrictions causing the "403 Forbidden" error.

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