Any way to disable DraftSight multiple save?

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asked by about DraftSight

When I save a drawing (.dwg) in DraftSight, it always automatically saves 1 additional .dxf file in the same directory. Have anyone experienced this and how to disable?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

Yes, there is a way to disable the automatic saving of the additional .dxf file in DraftSight. You can go to the "Options" menu, then select the "System Options" tab, and under the "Save" section, uncheck the "Create DXF Automatically" option. This will prevent DraftSight from saving the .dxf file every time you save a drawing.

commented by (100 points)
Dear sir, thank you for your reply. But I do not see any of "Create DXF Automatically" option under the mentioned section. I am using DraftSight 2023.
I wish I could upload a screenshot to clarify better. But honestly, I don't have that option under any section.
Thank you sir.
commented by (100 points)
Dear sir,

The problem has been resolved. It turned out to be .bak file, not .dxf file. So I have disabled the option "Save backup at each save" to get rid of it.
Thank you very much for your support.

Best regards

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