Is it possible to have Facebook Video Chat on my Android tablet?

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answered by (100k points)
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commented by (100 points)
Thank You very much.
I knew about this application,but i was thinking that we can use same skype-facebook as for PC.
Also i tried to install Adobe Flash Player,it says that it can be installed on 4.0 android,is installed(not from official site),but every time i try to see a video,it keep asking to install Flash Player...
commented by (970 points)
To install Adobe Flash Player, you could try
commented by (100k points)
Adobe Flash for Android devices has been discontinued, however you can install Flash from Android 4.0 devices using the archived page from Adobe where all the released versions are stored:
commented by (100 points)
cool really cool
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No avatar answered by (140 points)

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