Why are some of my software update download links unavailable?

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asked by (120 points)
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Why are some of my software update download links unavailable?

2 Answers

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answered (8.1k points)

What are the Softwares whose links are not found. Please update the Question. I will try & get them for you.

Now the reasons:

  1. Either the software is not freeware, or if it is then it might be linked to a site which is paid, or which is no longer available.
  2. If the softwares are uploaded to pirate sites, then the links will not work or may have been deleted by the site, or by the owner.
  3. If the software is shareware, then there would be a link somehwre or other.
  4. Apart from this, you need to check, if the software is still there or in run, if not, then the software might have become obsolete.

Please do list which are the ones, you are unable to locate, & I will try & locate for you.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Although the updated notifications have been provided, sometimes you need to manually browse to update the website because of the hotlink protection or indirect URLs that point to the product. It's a matter of few seconds to check for direct download URLs. There isn't other problem except the one presented here.

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