My version of Print Artist 4 will not install on my laptop with Windows 7 64bit.

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asked by (120 points)
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I have used Print Artist 4 for some considerable time. I have just upgraded to a new laptop with Windows 7 64bit OS installed. When trying to install my version of Print Artist 4 on the machine it tells me that it is not compatible. What can I do to resolve this situation?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Print Artist does not have Windows 7 compatibility and it will never have because this is an old product. It has been reported that the application still works with the help of the special mode available on Windows 7 called Windows XP Mode. Practically, Windows XP is installed inside Windows 7 and it allows the user to select how the application should run. You can try this solution in order to gain functionality to Print Artist.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

I have it on a PC using Win 7. You have a bit of a job but compatable software section will enable it. It does have a slight prob with printing but I print ok with it. You will see the minor prob if you get it working.I do not have XP on the machine but if it worked in XP then set the WIN7 compatability setting for XP.*

asked Jul 8, 2014
edited Jul 9, 2014 by
Sierra Print Artist 4 on Windows 7.

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