Where are the page numbers on PDF-XChange Viewer?

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4 Answers

+3 votes
answered by (3.3k points)
Best answer

They're at the bottom of the window:

Page numbers in PDF-XChange Viewer

In case you're looking for ways to add page numbering to the document, you can't do that in the Viewer. That's what PDF editors are for.

commented by (100 points)
That would have been obvious, but when I downloaded the viewer, the entire bottom row was blank aside from the page layout options and the page measurements. Turns out you have to right-click on the main toolbar and select 'pages navigation toolbar' if it's unchecked. Or go to customize toolbars for others. Maybe by default it isn't visible...
commented by (3.3k points)
That's odd, mine was on by default. Cheers for the comment!
commented by (180 points)
Am having the same problem as the original poster - can't solve it...

I am using Version 2 (Build 51.0) and the Pages Navigation Toolbar is grayed out and I cannot find a way to get it ungrayed...  @Jurgen W and @melotraumatic -- what Versions/Builds are you using?

On an older computer, I have Version 2 (Build 41.4) and this Toolbar is active...

Perhaps this 'feature' has been removed from Build 51 and is now part of the Pro package?
commented by (180 points)
Re-installed PDF Viewer Version 2.0 (Build 51.0) - and the toolbar can now be activated...  Strange.  Problem seems to be solved...
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No avatar answered by (180 points)

In case you're looking for ways to add page numbering to the document, you can't do that in the Viewer. That's what PDF editors are for.

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answered by

Go to View-Toolbars-Page Navigation Toolbars, and thats it at least for version 2.5

0 votes
answered by

I use one of these two:

  1. Press Ctrl - T to show Pages Thumbnails which have page numbers.
  2. Press Ctrl Shift - N to show Go-To-Page box.

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