How can I save screenshots on my laptop?

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asked by about Maccy

I just got a new MacBook and was recommended this free app; however, I can't seem to figure out how to save the screenshots locally after I capture them. Sometimes I want to save them in my folders and not just copy/paste them into a text or email or document.

Much appreciated,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (82.9k points)

To save screenshots locally on your MacBook using Maccy, you can simply right-click on the screenshot preview and select "Save Image As". This will allow you to save the screenshot in the folder of your choice.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (100 points)

By default, macOS saves screenshots to the desktop. But you can change the save location to a folder of your choice.

Here are the steps to change the save location of screenshots on your MacBook:

  • Press Command + Shift + 5 to open the Screenshot app.
  • Click on "Options" in the Screenshot toolbar.
  • Choose "Other Location" and select the folder where you want to save
    your screenshots.
  • Once you've changed the save location, any screenshots you take will
    be saved to that folder automatically.

You can also change the file format and other options in the "Options" menu. If You are still having some trouble to save your photos , You can tell me I will share step by step Pictures of the process on GB Whatsapp Pro APK

0 votes
answered by (100 points)
edited by

Congrats on your new MacBook! Although I haven't used Maccy, I can recommend several other apps that I use myself. CleanShot X is popular for its advanced features, such as scrolling content capture, video/GIF recording, self-timer, screenshot attaching, and internal cloud storage. Capto specializes in screen recording and annotation, which is perfect for creating video tutorials. Yac is an excellent tool for asynchronous voice and video messaging with screen annotations and integration with Slack. You can check here for a detailed description of these apps, but I'm also very familiar with them, so if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. Good luck.

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