how can I transfer PAF5 on old laptop to new computer?

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asked by about Personal Ancestral File

3 Answers

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answered by (89.9k points)

One way to transfer PAF5 from an old laptop to a new computer is to copy the PAF5 program file and the PAF database file onto a USB drive or external hard drive, and then transfer them to the new computer. Install the PAF5 program on the new computer, and then copy the PAF database file into the appropriate folder on the new computer. Alternatively, you can use a file transfer program or cloud storage service to transfer the files.

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answered by

Informative discussion! I have learned from it.

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answered by

Hello there! Transferring PAF5 from an old laptop to a new computer can seem daunting, but it's quite manageable with the right approach. First, ensure you have a backup of your PAF5 data. This backup can be created within PAF5 itself and saved to an external drive or cloud storage. Next, install PAF5 on your new computer. You might need the original installation files or download them from a reliable source. After installing, you can restore your data from the backup. Additionally, for Mac users, understanding how to use FTP can be beneficial for transferring files securely between computers. For detailed guidelines on FTP usage on Mac, check out this comprehensive resource: It provides step-by-step instructions that can be handy in various data transfer scenarios, not just for PAF5 but for other applications as well.

0 votes
answered by

Hello there! Transferring PAF5 from an old laptop to a new computer can seem daunting, but it's quite manageable with the right approach. First, ensure you have a backup of your PAF5 data. This backup can be created within PAF5 itself and saved to an external drive or cloud storage. Next, install PAF5 on your new computer. You might need the original installation files or download them from a reliable source. After installing, you can restore your data from the backup. Additionally, for Mac users, understanding how to use FTP can be beneficial for transferring files securely between computers. For detailed guidelines on FTP usage on Mac, check out this comprehensive resource: It provides step-by-step instructions that can be handy in various data transfer scenarios, not just for PAF5 but for other applications as well. Thank you.

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