An error occured while communicating with the message store database (DBS error 105).

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For almost two days I have a problem with AMOS connect 7.4. When I was trying to send a message through AMOS it was not being delivered and received. An the same time a window opens giving the following details:

An error occured while communicating with the message store database
the operation could not be completed
technical details:
error number : DBS error 105
description  : invalid isam file format
context      : calling is open que
file         : queue.cpp
line         : 265
callstact    : OX180197AE,.................

Please advice how to solve this problem.

Thanks, M.V.Gati Pride.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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Error 105 is related to the target's DNS server. The DNS server of the message store database is not properly configured or it's down. Please contact the administrator of the database and ask for a solution because they are entitled to solve this issue. Your application, computer, network connection are working fine.

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