Does HoRNDIS 9.2 work on macOS Monterey 12.5.1?

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asked by about HoRNDIS

2 Answers

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answered by (100 points)

This version of HoRNDIS was last updated in 2019 and there is no official information about its compatibility with macOS Monterey. However, an analysis of the GitHub forums showed that HoRNDIS 9.2 works perfectly on Apple Silicon (M1), macOS 12 Monterey with no code changes, as long as you compile the kext from the source.

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answered by (85.3k points)

It is not clear if HoRNDIS 9.2 works on macOS Monterey 12.5.1 as it is not mentioned in the release notes. However, users have reported success using earlier versions of HoRNDIS on Monterey. It may be worth trying the latest version or contacting the developer for further information.

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