Why Macromedia is getting out of the software business?

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No avatar asked by (140 points) about Adobe Flash Player


I am updated to the latest version of Macromedia Flash, namely the version of Flash 8, and it's time that Macromedia is getting out of the software business for Windows. And also that, Dreamweaver and Fireworks is no longer receives a major updated versions. And because, Macromedia is shutting down until acquired by Adobe in 2005.

So, Macromedia has stated that there will be no versions called Flash 9 and also there was no updated versions called Dreamweaver or Fireworks 9 but Macromedia will officially shut down by Adobe in 2005. Is Macromedia a great replacement solution to use this software?

Thanks for help. I have used for Macromedia products since over last 17 years ago but Macromedia has switched into the Corel software like CorelDRAW, but Macromedia was bought by Adobe Systems and so, Macromedia will became the largest software company in the world.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (102k points)

Macromedia products are no longer supported by Adobe, but Adobe does offer a variety of software that can be used as a replacement for Macromedia products.

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