Word Perfect for iPad

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Does Corel have a version or application for Word Perfect word processor for iPad?

If so, would files done with Word Perfect on a PC be the same or if done on an iPad, would they be the same if I save them on a USB drive and opened in X4 on my PC?

Thank you, Alan Zell.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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The operating systems supported by Word Perfect are: Microsoft® Windows® 8, Microsoft® Windows® 7, Windows Vista® or Windows® XP with latest service packs and updates installed (32-bit or 64-bit editions). In other words, you can't install it in an iPad. As for compatibility of the files, I can say that no matter what the OS is used, the files will always have the same extension if we're talking about the same product from the same company. So yes, you can use them on both operating systems, Mac or Windows.

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