Half of the [win] + [x] menu of windows10 64bit does not work, why?

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asked by about Secure Folders
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I'm Japanese. I can't write English very well. So I write question in Japanese and English by google translation.

【Japanese】 私がWindows10(21H2)に"Secure Folders"をインストールしたら、[Win]+[X]メニューの半分(18項目中9項目)が機能しなくなります。 修正していただけないでしょうか。

【English by google translation】 When I install "Secure Folders" on Windows 10 (21H2), half of the [Win] + [X] menus (9 out of 18 items) stop working. Would you please fix it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (87.4k points)

As for the question, the issue mentioned with the "Secure Folders" program is not something that can be addressed here. It would be best to contact the program's developer or support team directly for assistance with the problem.

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