I have the HIP2P app on my computer and get "Error password". Why?

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asked by about HiP2P Client
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I have the HIP2P app on my computer and get "Error password". The cameras connect to my phone with no issues.

commented by (100 points)
Just in case someone still has the issue. I think you should try out a different version. In my case, I'm using a mac, and initially, I installed version 0.0.18. Then I installed version 2.1.5 using the apple store. It now works like a charm.

6 Answers

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I too had the same issue I went to the 5th icon along which looks like a settings icon "Config" On the left hand side under region it showed my cameras I tick all three and deleted them. I then went to input UID and added each camera in turn using the camera password the went back preview and the cameras all came on hope this helps David

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Tried this but I cannot access config without entering passowrd and getting the same error. Already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the HIP2P client to do new setup, but same error. Please help.

commented by (100 points)
Just in case someone still has the issue. I think you should try out a different version. In my case, I'm using a mac, and initially, I installed version 0.0.18. Then I installed version 2.1.5 using the apple store. It now works like a charm.
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No avatar answered by (480 points)

Can you be more specific? what were you doing when you got the password error? When HiP2P starts up, it does not require you to Login unless you want to do something.

Or is this from trying to access a specific camera under Device Management? Clicking on your camera will bring up a login screen requiring the UID, userid and password. You can enter the password that you know it to be.

You may have to decide where you want the password changed, in your camera or on HiP2P .

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I resolved

  1. First installs (hicam pro) of your cell phone and Password set.
  2. Set in your pc by same pasword (modify)
  3. I spent 5 hours on this problem
commented by (100 points)
Si è questa la soluzione al problema bisogna impostare la stessa password usata per il cellulare io l'ho capito leggendo le istruzioni
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This is the most absurd and annoying software I have ever dealt with! I can't do anything without entering my password - which I'm 100% sure is correct, but that stupid software keeps saying otherwise. I even reset the cameras with my cell phone and got them working again, but on my PC the same PW don't work. What idiot programmed this software??

commented by (180 points)
I absolutely agree
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No avatar answered by (180 points)

Hi. As answered somewhere else, the only way is to completely uninstall Hip2p, but not with the 'usual' disinstallation software, but with something 'stronger' !! Otherwise Hip2p leaves a lot of cookies in your computer, including the old password, that you forgot. For this purpose I used, successfully, Revo Uninstaller portable. Ciao to all of you

commented by (100 points)
Horrible s/w. I'm on OSX and followed your advice, I dragged the app to trash and reinstalled, no luck. Couldn't get further than the s/w asking for a password. Then I used "Find Any File" app to find filenames anywhere on the Mac containing the text HIP2P and I deleted them all. Note OSX requires apps to either store all files in the app container so it all gets deleted when the app is trashed OR provide an uninstaller, HIP2P does neither. Then i reinstalled HIP2P, note there is the camera username/password (default could be admin/admin) but when the HIP2P app starts it shows a user/password box that is NOT the camera info, it's the HIP2P program name/password. This is really clunky and confusing, here the name defaults to admin and the password is blank, just leave it that way and the program will then allow you to continue.
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bonjour, je rencontré à peu près le même souci sauf que c est sur pc. mes 4 camera fonctionne très bien sûr mon téléphone par j ai une caméra que j ai installé après les 3 autres qui rencontré un problème sur mon pc. j ai un message d erreur sur le mot de passe et je n arrive pas à le changer car ça met dit que la caméra est déconnecté . cela fait plusieurs jours que je suis sur le problème et je n arrive pas à le résoudre. merci de m aider

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What worked for me after an hour of screwing around... Leave the password blank when it asks you for a password. That took me to a screen where it asked for name (the camera name), admin was filled in as the user name, and I typed in the password I had set in the app on my phone. This 'took' and from then on I was able to view the camera in the app on my pc.

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Please check if your HiP2P.exe version is " ". After I updated to ver Problem solved.

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io ho installato ho la camera attiva collegata ma non vedo anteprima w 10 help help

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