changing HiCam password disconnects other device?

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asked by about HiP2P Client

recently was asked to input a password to view my camera on my android which it has never asked since new, after entering a new password I cant view the camera on my laptop without resetting the Hi2p2 default password and when i do that it says wrong password on my android and disconnects that so presently can only view on one device ,,WTF happened?

2 Answers

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answered by

The same has happened to me. I still cannot access.

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No avatar answered by (480 points)

H1P2P program has a userid of admin and a password you should set in order to make changes on the HiP2P program. Don't get this confused with the password that each camera needs.

Using your app on your phone changed the password to the camera so now you need to get in sync on the HiP2P program. Go the Device mgmt panel and click on the camera you want to access and the login prompt will have the password in *** as it was last entered- you need to type again in the password & click OK. Be sure the password is the same as the phone app's password for the same camera.

Sometimes your phone app updates wipe over your real password and giving a defaulted password hidden behind the ***. It should not do this but it happens depending on who made the update changes.

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