How do I install CreataCard version 3 in a Windows 8 64bit version?

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I used Windows XP.

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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Indeed, the application is supposed to work in a Windows XP environment but that does not mean it will fail in Windows 8. Locate your setup package and right click it then choose Properties > Compatibility > Windows XP Service Pack 3. After this, run the setup package again and let Windows use it in compatibility mode. If it does not work this way, then I am afraid you will need to use Windows XP again or obtain an updated version of the software (if there is one).

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creatacard gold 3 can be installed on windows 8- 32bits I did and runs great. and can install variety packs. go to the left low corner were the old start was click and then click again on RUN , write like this your cd or dvd drive letter x:\setup install.exe and will install complete if you install direct from cd it will not install full , will ask you for the cd .so do as I did .

drive letter X:\SETUP FULL.EXE and enjoy ur old creatcard gold 3. Sal.

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