Talking Alarm Clock for Windows 10

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asked by about Talking Alarm Clock

Please, please can you let me have "Talking Alarm Clock" that will run in Windows 10? I've used it for at least 10 years in business + private. Various latter Windows upgrades I lost some functionality - Windows 8.0 to 8.5 was the 'killer'. Over the years it became my friend and I miss it like crazy! I've tried MANY, MANY substitutes and none of them 'cut-the-mustard'. I will gladly make a donation for a functioning version for Windows 10. Thank you for your time. Brian Tinker

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by

I am having the same problem. Windows won't let me download the program. Anyone know how to do that? I lost it when I had to move to a new computer.

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