Scroll bar has disappeared, please advise how to fix it?

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asked by about BioEdit

8 Answers

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answered by

It appears to be due to a recent Windows update

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answered by (220 points)

Try it on Windows 10: Settings / Special / Display scroll the window slightly down, then on the right, we find and disable the option "Auto hide scrollbars in Windows".

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answered by

try or email

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answered by (180 points)

In the Settings window, click the Ease of Access category, on the left click the Display option. On the right, turn off the Automatically Hide Scroll Bars In Windows.

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answered by (180 points)

Perhaps due to the error file, you need to update the window again

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answered by

Try the recompilation at The program is quite outdated, but it still works on my computer when I recompile it.

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answered by

My institute mandated updates to Windows 10 and can't downgrade, and I've run into this same issue with the scroll bar. BioEdit has been my go-to sequence analysis software for almost two decades - please consider updating the program if at all possible for the community of users who loves BioEdit!

0 votes
answered by (180 points)

Disable the Auto-Hide Feature from the Settings App

-Press the Windows + I keyboard shortcut to open Settings. But if you prefer the conventional route, tap on the Start button, and then click on the Settings icon to launch the app.

-Next, navigate to the Ease of Access category, then choose the Display option.

-Under the Simplify and personalize Windows heading, look for the Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows option, and then toggle it to Off.

-That’s it. The change will take effect immediately, and you’ll notice that scrollbars return to their usual big state.

I hope this helps

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