How to resolve the issue when video and audio are not synching?

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asked by about honestech VHS to DVD
edited by

Video and audio sync perfectly during capture but in edit the audio is several seconds behind video.

1 Answer

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answered by (97.3k points)

The issue of video and audio not syncing during editing in the "honestech VHS to DVD" program could be due to various factors. One possible solution is to check the settings and ensure that the audio and video tracks are properly aligned. It is also recommended to update the software to the latest version and make sure your computer meets the system requirements. If the issue persists, contacting the software's technical support team for further assistance would be advisable.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (100 points)

How to fix this, I have same problem. Does not right device. I have uninstalled and re installed but the problem is still there, capture problem,. Could u help me.

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