How can I get Spreadtrum drivers for my Android phone so that I can connect it to My Computer?

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asked by (120 points)
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How can I get Spreadtrum drivers for my Android phone so that I can connect it to My Computer?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

Hello Impossible to find the drivers, the dropbox is empty Mercy

0 votes
answered by (264k points)
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Since there is no official page with the Spreadtrum drivers, you will need to use Google to find the drivers. You can find these drivers using Google Search. Download and extract the archive to a folder of choice and plug in the phone and point the installer to the folder you have extracted these drivers.

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answered by

try those will help :)

commented by (100 points)
thank you buddy. i have rooted my phone wid your help. whomever you may be, thanks a lot!!
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