How do I get high resolution plot? and another thing , that while clicking the high resolution plot , I am getting the evaluation copy over the plot.

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asked by about Comprehensive Meta Analysis

How do I get high resolution plot? and another thing , that while clicking the high resolution plot , I am getting the evaluation copy over the plot.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (87.4k points)

To get a high-resolution plot in Comprehensive Meta Analysis for Windows, you can try the following steps:

  1. Go to the plot or graph you want to save in high resolution.
  2. Right-click on the plot or graph.
  3. Look for an option like "Save as image" or "Export as image" and select it.
  4. In the export/save window, choose a high-resolution option or specify a higher resolution value.
  5. Save the image file to your desired location.

Regarding the evaluation copy appearing over the plot, it might be because you are using a trial version of the software. Consider purchasing the full version to remove the evaluation copy watermark.

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