I am trying to download Alpha Four and it wants me to make Web Navigator my default browser. I do not want to do this. I am using Google Chrome. How do I get around this?

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asked by about Alpha Four

I am trying to download Alpha Four and it wants me to make Web Navigator my default browser. I do not want to do this. I am using Google Chrome. How do I get around this?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (100 points)

This Web Navigator sounds suspicious. Alpha Four is a DOS based program that existed before the internet was widely used. If you happen to have an old Windows XP computer, Alpha Four will work great without anything else needed. If you have a Windows PC newer than XP, download DOSBOX (www.dosbox.com). I use MacOS, MSDOS and Windows XP simultaneously on my iMac.

0 votes
answered by (85.3k points)

To get around the requirement of making Web Navigator your default browser, you can try the following steps:

  1. Download Alpha Four from a different source (if available) that does not require changing your default browser.
  2. If there is an option during the installation process to skip setting Web Navigator as the default browser, choose that option.
  3. After successfully installing Alpha Four, you can change your default browser back to Google Chrome by going into your browser settings.

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