Hi All,
I am trying to use this version SYSTAT 13, considering Non Linear Regression with Estimate Model option. I need to predict equations with two variables. Can someone help me how to input these two equations such as this;
Y = ((400(RECOVERY)^(0.2317-0.00316 LOG(TCP))-210.64TCP)
everytime, I try to create this equations, it gives me error;
ERROR : Invalid argument value inMODEL QUN = (400(RECOVERY)^(0.2317-0.00316LOG(TCP))-210.64TCP ^Found "SYS_FILENAME" while expecting one of"COMPLETE" "variable" "+" "(" "." "quoted string" "integer" "real number" "file variable"
"CASE" "invalid keyword"
REM -- Following commands were produced by the NLMODEL dialog:
MODEL QUN = (400(RECOVERY)^(0.2317-0.00316LOG(TCP))-210.64TCP
can anyone help me to fix this. Appreciate it.