Non linear Regression -Estimate Model

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asked by about SYSTAT

Hi All,

I am trying to use this version SYSTAT 13, considering Non Linear Regression with Estimate Model option. I need to predict equations with two variables. Can someone help me how to input these two equations such as this;

Y = ((400(RECOVERY)^(0.2317-0.00316 LOG(TCP))-210.64TCP)

everytime, I try to create this equations, it gives me error;

ERROR : Invalid argument value inMODEL QUN = (400(RECOVERY)^(0.2317-0.00316LOG(TCP))-210.64TCP ^Found "SYS_FILENAME" while expecting one of"COMPLETE" "variable" "+" "(" "." "quoted string" "integer" "real number" "file variable" "CASE" "invalid keyword"

REM -- Following commands were produced by the NLMODEL dialog: REM NONLIN WEIGHT MODEL QUN = (400(RECOVERY)^(0.2317-0.00316LOG(TCP))-210.64TCP

can anyone help me to fix this. Appreciate it.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

The error you are receiving is likely due to the syntax of the equations you are entering in SYSTAT 13. Make sure you have the correct syntax, including all necessary parentheses, operators, and variable names. If you need further assistance, you may consider seeking help from the SYSTAT support team or consulting the program's documentation.

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