Synchronising software for a Huawei phone in Windows 7

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I have bought a Huawei phone but I can't install the attached CD. Drivers are not available. I am using Windows 7.


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (100k points)
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Huawei website is pretty limited on support for their devices. They are something like 3rd party resellers for the products they make and most of their available devices are sold through partners.

If the CD is not working in Windows 7 then it means that it has no support for that operating system and you should try to install it in a prior operating system ( Windows Vista, Windows XP) because I am pretty sure it will work. Also, try to install the setup package using Run as Administrator option.

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

Thank you Andrew. It has worked on XP. Bennedy.

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