Signalking clipper b/g/n USB adapter will not install on my Vista laptop

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asked by (120 points)
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I bought a Signalking clipper b/g/n USB adapter and the setup file is from Macrovision. The problem is that it will not install on my Vista laptop but it does install fine on 2 other computers with Windows 7. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)
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It is well known that Windows Vista once it was released, was full of bugs and it suffered from stability problems regarding drivers, software and file compatibility. However, with the release of the continuous updates, almost all these issues were fixed with the release of Service Packs. Kindly, go to your Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Updates and get the latest Service Pack for your Windows operating system and then try to install the adapter again. Make sure you run the setup package as Administrator when right-clicking the file.

0 votes
answered by

hi Brian, I can't help you, but maybe you can help me. I to I bought a Signalking clipper b/g/n USB adapter. When I tryto install the sw provided in the package, it shows me a strange page full of "question marks". As you say that you were able to install on window 7 (That's mine OS)may be you can help me. If you give me your email address i will send the snapshot of the page, My email is Thanks Norberto

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