Hi. I have the same problem. I have GB219K (the k is never mentioned anywhere on Genbolt site, documentation or anywhere) Perhaps because it is the solar version. Anyways my UID sticker with the number is on the solar panel segment. There isn't one on the actual camera or base anywhere. I'm not sure if that is an issue but anyways, Hip2p keeps saying invalid UID, but its not. Its right off the sticker.
I have set up new regions so I can try again, But always invalid UID. To delete the old ones I just go to Device management, on the far right pane check box the region you want to delete, then click Delete Device in the middle column of buttons.
By the way, this is pretty much the worst software ever. Spelling errors on it. Wont recognize a valid UID. Wont accept my WiFi information as valid. Also directly from my PC WiFi settings. The Genbold documentation is nothing but the most basic. Doesn't even mention setting up wifi for Hip2p. Its got settings, I presume it needs them. But it does not mention them in their own docmentation.
Soooo frustrating