please help me to install sedlog software

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about SedLog

please help me to install sedlog software

1 Answer

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answered by (1k points)

SedLog requires Java to run. Make sure you have installed Java before you try to install or run the program.

Download SedLog Click here to download a Windows installer Then install SedLog by double-clicking the exe file. Make sure you have full administrative privileges.

And if you have Mac Click here to download everything in a zip file This will download the zip file to your downloads folder.

Unzip the folder and copy it to a folder of your choice (e.g. the Applications folder, the Desktop

  • or simply leave it in downloads if you wish).

Double-click on the SedLog.jar file. This will likely give you a warning message, saying that Apple only wishes you to run programs downloaded from the AppStore. Click OK to discard this message.

Double-click on the SedLog.jar file again. This will give you another warning message similar to the last time, but just click ok (or whichever option says to trust opening this particular .jar file). SedLog should run fine after this point.

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