How to download a website?

+3 votes
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How to copy a website to PC for offline viewing?

7 Answers

+1 vote
answered by

You can use the save as button. that should do the trick for you.

+1 vote
answered by (200 points)

u can either use the "save as" option, or u could download it by providing the link of the website in a download manager like fdm.

+1 vote
answered by (280 points)

Open the website and push "Ctrl+S" to save the website in your PC folder.

+1 vote
answered by (200 points)
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Web Site Download Programs Web site download programs, especially in moments without the internet is quite useful. Research your topic, if you have a site that you use as a resource-intensive, thanks to the web site download programs you can download it on your computer. Then, when there is no internet connection, the same as if the internet by using your browser and navigate between the pages of this site you can continue working.

Web site downloading programs include: Netman WebSiteZip Packer HTTrack Website Copier webreaper v10 GetLeft

0 votes
answered by (180 points)

Do you mean the url of the website or the entire website? You can try using wget, that can be a big help.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (180 points)

right click to view the source, check all files path like picture, css, js, etc. download everything and save them the same structure in your local

–2 votes
answered by (100k points)
edited by

You can make a mirror of a website with software which was created for this type of job and you will be able to copy only the HTML version of the website because in cases where the website is built using PHP technology you will download what is processed, and the PHP files will remain in their original location which is unavailable for downloading because of the server-side restriction.

Basically, you can create mirrors of all websites but you will have the results not from the source of the website.

From my personal experience, I can recommend software like HTTrack because it has different methods of copying and mirroring. All you need to do is to enter the URL of the website, select the depth level and start the process. Please be aware that the process could take a long time based on the complexity of the website you want to copy.

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