Date shift - wrong date since beginning of April 2019

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asked by about CanWay

I have a GT-730 logger for some years now. Until 03.04.2019 everything was OK. Since 07.04.2019 I observe a wrong date. 22.08.1999 instead of 07.04.2019 => a difference of 7168 days! (or 19,625 years)

I reinstalled the software on a second test computer. Same problem. I am using the software version 1.1.12.

Is it possible that a limit value has been reached in the software for the date? Do other users have similar experiences? I would be very happy about feedback - positive or negative.

6 Answers

0 votes
answered by

I have the same issue. Some time ago, my friend got a mail from Tom Tom, that there was a change in the coordinate-systems and that there were software changes required in order to get the TomTom work correctly after this change. Something about a leap second... so as far as i know right now: there needs to be a change made by some software to be made.

but i don't know if it's the firmware of the logger or the program with which i try to load the data from the logger that needs to be changed. Sadly, as far as i know, right now, no updates for any component for my logger is available. I hope for a solution very soon!!

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answered by

I also (still) have this problem. Has it been solved? I cannot find updates or patches to solve this. Is there a workaround?

0 votes
answered by

I have the same problem and the same questions. Any answer available?

0 votes
answered by

This problem called week rollover. The week counter in the GPS can only count 1023 weeks. After that a new start date fore the counter is necessary. The rollover date was April 6 2019. A new version of CanWay program is the only solution. /Håkan

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answered by

Has it been solved yet? We are now one year later...

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No avatar answered by (180 points)
edited by

I have the same issue, it makes the software useless. However, you can use GPSBabel to download the track from the device. You have to select "Device" and then "Skytraq Venus based loggers".

Also, GNSS Viewer, can be used to change the logging parameters. The program is very technical but you only need to use the DataLog menu. Also, the current operation, Fix, satellites etc can be viewed.

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