Problems with reading a large-sized PDF on the iPad.

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I made a PDF which is to be used as a track record. It is approx a 2 MB filesize and has close to 2200 fields. Either the size or the number of fields is a problem for the reader on the iPad, not on the computer. The Reader only shows one inch of the document and none of the fields are visible or even accessible. This is not the case with smaller forms. Are there others having the same difficulties? Or possibly a solution?

Let me know! Theo Lemm.

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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A file with that size should not be a problem on any device but a file with so many fields could indeed be a problem. My suggestion is to open the file and let it load for a few seconds and then try to perform the operations you need. Believe me, this situation is similar even on computers.

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