How do I install FileMaker Pro 5.5 in a laptop without a CR ROM?

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asked by about FileMaker Pro

1 Answer

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answered by (140 points)

I assume you have the Installation disk .

You will need to use different computer with a CD Rom drive and you will need a USB flash drive.

Insert USB drive and make sure it is visible in Windows Explorer. Insert CD in drive and if auto-play options window pops up choose "View Files in Windows Explorer"

When you have the directory open you can "Select All" from the menu or

Single click the 1st item in the list, hold down the "Shift Key" and click the last item and it should select all.

Right click on any highlighted file, select "copy "

Open up the USB drive, right click in the white space on right, select "paste"

When file copy is complete, close the drive window, right click the flash drive in the folder tree on left and select "eject".

Insert flash drive in your laptop , open and run set up.

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