Looking for a barcode program for my business.

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Which program should I use in order to generate barcodes? I need to download this specific program.

Thanks, Paula.

4 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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There are many solutions on the market regarding barcoding and most of them are used for every specific business, meaning that you can't use all these applications for all available businesses available in the world.

These applications are chosen depending on the type and interest in your business. I recommend you consult a financial software analyst because he should be able to provide detailed information regarding this matter.

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answered by (260 points)

Andrew is right, it really depends on what kind of environments/platforms you're barcoding with.

I googled online, and found several useful ones:

For website, you can check out ASP.NET Barcode Generator for Streaming Barcodes on web sites - C# and VB.NET supported

For office software, you can refer to this Barcode Addin for Excel and Barcode Addin for Word

If you want to print barcodes for reportings, there is barcode for Crystal Report and barcodes for Reporting Services

There are many other barcode solutions online, just cofirm your purpose first.

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answered by (260 points)

you can try this barcode generator which is designed for professional developer so it's really good to use, it can be applied in VB.NET, .NET . C#, etc. i think it fits you well, you can just have a try , good luck.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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There's a list of barcode generating applications at the software Informer website. There you'll find a number of free and commercial solutions.

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