How to save videos from Kik?

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I want to save a video a friend sent me on Kik. How can I save a video from it?

18 Answers

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No avatar answered by (280 points)
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Download and install the application which named AnyVideo for KIK on your iphone.

Related Article: How to recover deleted iPhone videos

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On iPhone you go to privacy settings and click the photos button and then it will come up with video kik press the video kik to on and then try it again it worked for me

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open the Kik Video app Click on the Video as it plays tap the screen on the very bottom there is a Trash Can Icon select to delte. iphone 4

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Well the iphone people have to hijack a thread that does not relate to them. Cheers for that. But the saving of a video on my HTC has not been solved. Any further thoughts?

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I would say the best way is to Email it to yourself.

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No need for secondary apps on Android. After long pressing and selecting save on the received video I found it randomly named with no file extension in my kik folder on my phone's sdcard. Copy/Pasted it to my pc added .mpeg to the end of the file name and good to go.

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This is the step I saved the kik video on the iPhone, it's very simple:

  1. Open the Kik video and click on the full screen.
  2. Press and hold the video and click the Download arrow icon in the top right corner.
  3. The video will be automatically saved in the “iPhone Gallery”.
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answered by (1.6k points)

You may need a third-party screen recorder or use the default screen recording utility in your smartphone. I prefer to record videos using a desktop recorder. A screen recorder allows you to download videos in high quality and save them in different formats. My friend recommended Du Recorder to me. Maybe you could give it a shot.

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