How to save videos from Kik?

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I want to save a video a friend sent me on Kik. How can I save a video from it?

18 Answers

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answered by (100k points)

Well, it depends on the device you have Kik installed because as I can see, the software is available for multiple operating systems. For example, if you have a phone, you will find your video saved on the storage device of the phone, if you use a computer, the save path is found in the settings menu.

On both platforms, please check the settings menu for additional information.

asked Jun 3, 2014
edited Dec 3, 2014 by
I can't open a video message on Kik.
asked Jun 26, 2014
edited Jun 27, 2014 by
Is Video for KIK available for Nokia Lumia 520?
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On my Samsung Gakaxy S2 , the kik-movies get stored in "Movies/Videos for Kik"....hope that can help you find yours mate! / Gunnar, Sweden

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what do I do if I have an iPhone ? someone help please thank youuu

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I know a workaround with a desktop PC if you have an iphone

Step 1: Download & install the program "OSF Mount"

Step 2: Download & install the program "Bluestacks", but you have to download an older version. I used version

Step 3: Open Bluestacks and download KIK and KIK video, then create a new KIK account.

Step 4: From your phone send the KIK video file to the new account you just created and view it in Bluestacks. This downloads the file locally to the bluestacks software.

Step 5: Close Bluestacks completely

Step 6: Open OSF mount and browse to "C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\SDCard.fs". (You want to find that SDCARD.fs file). Select that file, then untick the read-only box and hit 'mount'.

Step 7: When you browse the file you just mounted you will find a folder called 'Movies'. Inside that folder will be a folder called 'Videos for KIK" and in that folder will be the videos. Just copy them to your hard drive and voila!

Have fun!

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Hi! Has anyone ever tried the solution above? It seems that I am having a problem. I wasn't able to find Bluestacks with that version, but after sometime searching, I was able to find it in a torrent along with Temple Run 1 and 2. I downloaded it but I seem to have the 'No app found. Please Check Network Connectivity" error. After searching for a solution, I found out that they fixed it for the newer version and not for older versions. Do we really have to use an old version for it to work? I'm using Windows if that's any help. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Ok so here's the deal, if you have android on your phone or bluestacks you can get an app called sugarsync, this will allow you to browse to that same folder on your phone / bluestacks and upload it to their service, which will then sync to your computer if you've installed it there as well. Then you can simply copy it somewhere else and delete from your sugarsync drive. simple and easy.

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Email it to yourself, download it. Simple as can be.

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I found a simpler way when using bluestacks. download an email app on bluestacks. then go onto the kik video app, click on the video an option menu should open. click "share video" and the email app should be in the menu so you can email the video to yourself. I've only tried this with gmail so I'm not sre if all email apps will work.

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Install the app AnyVideo for KIK on your iphone. In that app select "my videos", play the video, select share (in the top menu of the video) and add it to your camera roll. After that, the video can be seen from the pc and you can copy it in the same way as you do with photos.

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No thats not possible.. If you press the share icon. It Will only be possible too share with other contacts on your kik cobtact list? Thats the case on My iPhone 5, maybe it dosnt work on iPhones?

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