I know a workaround with a desktop PC if you have an iphone
Step 1: Download & install the program "OSF Mount"
Step 2: Download & install the program "Bluestacks", but you have to download an older version. I used version
Step 3: Open Bluestacks and download KIK and KIK video, then create a new KIK account.
Step 4: From your phone send the KIK video file to the new account you just created and view it in Bluestacks. This downloads the file locally to the bluestacks software.
Step 5: Close Bluestacks completely
Step 6: Open OSF mount and browse to "C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\SDCard.fs". (You want to find that SDCARD.fs file). Select that file, then untick the read-only box and hit 'mount'.
Step 7: When you browse the file you just mounted you will find a folder called 'Movies'. Inside that folder will be a folder called 'Videos for KIK" and in that folder will be the videos. Just copy them to your hard drive and voila!
Have fun!