How to convert DOCX to PGN?

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The game notation has been copied from a webpage and pasted in a Word document where it is in .DOCX format. The content is already in .PGN format but as it is stored inside a Word document, it cannot be opened by programs like Winboard which open only games in *.PGN format.

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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As I understand the PGN file is still a text file which contains instructions. In this case the solution is very simple: save the file to a TEXT file and then using Notepad or any other text editor, save it with PGN extension. You can do this from the Save as window: select All file types from the drop-down menu and enter the name of the file using this format: example.pgn and that's it. You can use your file where it is needed.

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There is no .pgn extension to save to in Word. Renaming a .txt file to have a .pgn extension will result in the file being saved in Word with both extensions, for example, test.pgn.txt. Changing the extension to .pgn in Explorer doesn't cause software to read it as a true pgn.

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