Program not compatible with PC.

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asked by about EasyWorship
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I have had the program for more than a year, and recently the computer says that it isn't designed for a PC.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The reason why EasyWorship refuses to work might be related to compatibility. Here are the system requirements that you need to meet in order to run the software:

-Operating System: Windows 7 - 10 Home Premium or Pro 64-bit -CPU: Intel i5 or i7 Processor at 2.5 - 3.4 GHz -Memory: 8 GB RAM -Hard Drive: Solid State Drive (SSD) or 7200 RPM HDD -Graphics Hardware: NVIDIA GeForce GTX Graphics Card. (See graphics cards below.) -Video Capture (here)

If you have an older version of EasyWorship, then I suggest to visit the website and log-in to download the latest version.

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