Error while installing on Windows 10.

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asked by about Edifecs SpecBuilder
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I am installing an officially licensed version of SpecBuilder 8 on Windows 10. It asks me that .Net framework 4 is needed so will install. I click on OK and then it comes out saying .Net 4 could not be installed and it quits. As per Microsoft, Windows 10 already has .Net Framework 4.x. Any know workarounds?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Indeed, Windows 10 contains the .NET Framework, but if the software asks it, you can simply download the latest version and install it this way. Access the application's page at Software Informer to download the installation package. Close all the other running apps, start the Net Framework installation and follow the instructions. Reboot your PC and then reinstall Edifecs SpecBuilder. If everything went fine, SpecBuilder will skip Net Framework installation.

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