Is this program still supported?

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asked by about CameLoad
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Is this program still supported?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

I don't think that CameLoad is a supported application because I couldn't find anything on the websites listed through Google or even on the official one. Because of this, you will have to get in touch with the developers and ask them directly if the CameLoad is still available for download or another solution needs to be used for your business/needs.

here is the full contact info as posted on the official website, but if you are more comfortable with forms, visit the contact us page and fill the available form.

General E-Mail: The owner of company Capt/Surveyor.Emrah YILMAZCAVUSOGLU Captain/Surveyor :Capt/ Ercan Hatırlar Engineer/Surveyor: Eng/Tayfun Sezgin Company Lawyer: Mr.Engin AGYUZLU, Mr Emrah Türköz Branch Office India: Capt.Tej PAL Adress: Chamnagar Tower.Navi Mumbai/INDIA Branch Office Georgia Adress: Rustaveli Str.27 Batumi/GEORGIA E-Mail

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