Cutting large video files.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I have a large video file of about 4GB and simply need to turn it into segments for my presentation. Is there a video cutter that can do this?

2 Answers

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answered by (264k points)
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There are quite a few tools that can help you split your large video file into several segments and delete the parts that you don't want to keep. For starters, read Jørgen Walters article called "Edit Videos and Don't Go Broke", which tells you about an open source application called VirtualDub.

Alternatively, you can look into Free Video Cutter or DVD Cutter Plus.

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No avatar answered by (2.1k points)

Frankly, from all my tried tools, Joyoshare video cutter is a good option that has the ability to cut large video files into small segments. It can cut in lossless quality at 60X fast cutting speed and offers following three ways to cut precisely:

  1. Cut by moving the beginning and end handles;
  2. Cut with shortcut buttons;
  3. Cut by setting temporal intervals.

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