Error 'Same land cover cannot change autonomous in two different new land covers'.

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asked by about Dyna-CLUE
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I am getting the error "Same land cover cannot change autonomously in two different new land covers" after pressing the button RUN, I have checked all my files and don't understand where it could come from, do you have an idea to help me?


1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

Based on available data posted on the Internet, it appears that the program is in the files that you have. You have to check them to make sure that the rows and columns have the same number as the land uses. According to a user, if you have for example 115, it indicates that autonomous change is after 15 years. Now, open the file and check what I have said.

You can also check the official support forum where the users and developers are talking about Dyna-CLUE.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (100 points)

I have this problem too. I checked all the maps, but there are no problems. Can anyone guide me?

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