Ticket number #812511.

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I have a charge on my Visa transaction report on 5/1 billing cycle from BLS*BALTSOFT 137061333331 for $9.00. I wrote them back on 5/5 and asked for confirmation of my order because I don't recall this purchase. They couldn't locate an e-mail order from me or invoice, but I did get a response back 5/5PM that the charges would be reversed. No explanation or anything. I have checked the bank and no credit has been applied yet.

Today I received an e-mail from them, that they want me to forward my request to you. Circumstances are the same. I don't recall this purchase.

Please advise me immediately, so we can pay our Visa bill.

Jan Russell janjanvincent@aol.con

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

You should contact the bank and the developers and work with them as these are the entities you have to work with. The community here doesn't have access to bank records or software/payment information since we are simply users helping each other.

You can always tell your bank that it was an unauthorized charge for your credit card and they should reverse the process while blocking them.

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