Installation Fail: Uplayer-

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asked by about mydlink services plugin
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The program apparently runs OK but the plugin doesn't show on Firefox, nor on Control Panel programs. Running the compatibility mode installation shows this:

Issues found Detection details 6 Incompatible Application Detected Detected Uplayer- is incompatible. Fix application Uplayer- Completed

Provides steps to fix the incompatible application. InformationalCompatMode CompatMode

InformationalUserVerifySolution User Verification of Solution Verify_NO Detection details Expand

Collection information Computer Name: ROBERTO Windows Version: 6.1 Architecture: amd64 Time: Thursday, April 06, 2017 10:09:09 AM

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (236k points)

The plugin won't work on Firefox anymore because starting with version 52, Firefox removed support for NPAPI plugins. The developers have to redevelop the application to work with the newest standards specified by the Firefox corporation. Please keep in mind that the situation occurred for all the NPAPI plugins and there is nothing to do for the latest version. Additionally, you can remove the current version and install one that worked with the plugin and then disable the automatic update.

Here is the link with old versions of the Firefox:

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answered by

Hi. You mean to remove Firefox and install older version?

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answered by

Kinda the same problem here with Firefox 52.1 ESR (which is one of the very very VERY few browsers that works with Mydlink. Addon installs just fine. Is fisible in Confiruration screen. Does NOT show up in Firefox.

Struggling with it for MONTHS if not more then a year now! First to find such an OLD firefox ESR, and now this problem again.

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